
Pollyanna. adjective: 1. (often lowercase). unreasonably or illogically optimistic: some pollyanna notions about world peace. Also, Pollyannaish. noun: 1. an excessively or blindly optimistic person. 

Quotes: “His is not the Pollyanna attitude of the unthinking, but rather a courageous belief that men can face reality and rise from and through it to an abiding faith in the rightness of things.
” — “Goethe: Editorial Comment,” The Rotarian, March 1932

“You can dismiss this as Pollyanna-ish–or, alternatively, as what you would say if you were worth forty-five billion dollars. But it’s part of what makes Buffett likable: his quintessentially American conviction that there’s no problem we can’t solve.
” — James Surowiecki, “Warren’s Way,” The New Yorker, December 10, 2012

Origin: The terms Pollyanna and Pollyannaish come from the name of the child heroine created by the American writer Eleanor Porter (1868-1920). 

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